


Hala leverages her 26 years of investor relations experience to guide client companies in managing comprehensive IR strategies. She was formerly with Halliburton Investor Relations, which was recently acquired by Three Part Advisors in July 2020. As a strategic advisor and trusted resource to senior leadership, she executes client engagements by harnessing clear and concise communications, message development and strategic counsel. Successful program execution includes managing ESG disclosure initiatives, direct board relations and serving as a client advocate to Wall Street through her extensive investment community network.

Hala graduated from Southern Methodist University with a B.A. in Communications, majoring in public relations. She has been a member of the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) since 2005, serving on various committees, both on a national and local chapter level. Hala was selected to serve a two-year term on the NIRI Ethics Council in 2021, recognized as a Fellow for the 2020 class, and completed a four-year NIRI National board tenure for the 2015-2019 term. She has served as the co-chair of the Southwest Regional Conference (SWRC) for five years, and held board roles including DFW chapter level President, VP of Programs, Professional Development, and Advocacy Ambassador. Additionally, Hala served on the 2013-2015 Editorial Advisory Board for IR Update, NIRI’s premier member magazine.

(214) 442-0016 - hala@threepa.com