Celebrating 15+ years of events
15th Annual
16th Annual
17th Annual
Our conferences are independent venues for quality public companies to present their investment merits to the RIGHT group of influential professional investors and unlike traditional conferences, we think it makes more sense for institutional investors to have input on which companies are invited to present.
IDEAS Investor Conferences are sponsored by and directly for
the benefit of institutional investors.
Generate IDEAS for investors that outperform the markets.
Introduce companies to the RIGHT group of investors & analysts.
Stay INDEPENDENT and free of outside influence.
Screen IDEAS on investment merits, not based on fees.
Attendance is by invitation only. In addition to institutional investors, we invite other qualified investors, including family office representatives, select high net worth individuals, qualified retail brokers, and other accredited investors. Our independence allows us to invite investors who might otherwise be excluded from traditional events based on their ability to meet minimum commission requirements, or the lack of a relationship with a particular investment bank. Our attendees must also agree to our "Attendee Guidelines" which require them to attend our events for investment purposes only and refrains them from soliciting services.
Presenting companies are by invitation only and our events are sponsored by the investment community for the investment community. This means that we do not select presenting companies based on their abilities to generate investment banking fees. Instead, our IDEAS are referred to us from our buy side sponsors (collectively holding more than 100 billion assets under management) and through our own due diligence, we screen for companies we believe are good long-term IDEAS. This structure has allowed us to build a strong reputation as a great idea generator.
60 - 80 companies present over two days at each event and every presenting company is scheduled a 30 minute group presentation with up to three companies presenting concurrently.
One-on-one meetings are demand driven and scheduled throughout the day of each company's group presentation with an average of nine meetings per company.
Each presenting company will have the opportunity to webcast their general group presentation.
For our in-person events, a lunch program with a keynote speaker is scheduled for each day and a cocktail reception is held after the conclusion of the first day of the conference. These events are open to both attendees and presenting companies and offer a great opportunity to network.
Presenting company information such as current market data, profile details, factsheets and other supporting documents highlighting the investment merits of each company will be available to conference attendees.
+ Past Presenting Companies
Please contact us for a representative list of past presenting companies by clicking here.
+ Attendee Guidelines
- Attendees shall not offer, sell or promote the sale of any product or service by means of any explicit or implied representation to Company Management or Other Attendees unless you are a sponsor.
- Attendees shall endeavor at all times to place the public interest above their own.
- Attendees shall obey all laws and regulations and shall avoid any conduct or activity that would not be in the best interest of everyone involved.
- Attendees shall not use the fact of being present at the conference to imply endorsement or approval of Three Part Advisors for any of their own business activities.
- Attendees shall support the goals and objectives of Three Part Advisors which are simply to provide professional meetings for Quality Investors to meet with Quality Management Teams and to maintain the highest most ethical standards as an organization.
- Attendees shall establish and maintain honorable relationships with other professionals, in a professional capacity with professional judgments and skills.